Bringing Software Defined Radio to the penetration testing community

The large adoption of wireless devices goes further than WiFi (smartmeters, wearable devices, Internet of Things, etc.).

The developers of these new types of devices may not have a deep security background and it can lead to security and privacy issues when the solution is stressed.

However, to assess those types of devices, the only solution would be a dedicated hardware component with an appropriate radio interface for each one of them.

That is why we developed an easy-to-use wireless monitor/injector tool based on Software Defined Radio using GNU Radio and the well-known scapy framework.

In this talk, we will introduce this tool we developed for a wide range of wireless security assessments: the main goal of our tool is to provide effective penetration testing capabilities for security auditors with little to no knowledge of radio communications.

This talk was given at BlackHat USA 2011 with Jonathan-Christofer Demay and Arnaud Lebrun.