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Hi Jean-Michel, I'd like to dump the firmware of my Samsung SM951 M.2 NVMe drive. Do you know how to do that?. If so, could you create a tool to dump firmwares of SSDs (SATA/M.2). I'm telling you this, because there are many people like me that are looking for a tool or utility to do that, but it haven't appeared yet. Thank you!!.

Dumping Z-Wave device firmware

Dumping Z-Wave device firmware

In the previous weeks, I had to work on Z-Wave devices and that lead me to dump the firmware of those devices. Consequently, I used my favorite GoodFET to achieve this goal :-)

Code is now available on the GoodFET’s project repository. Be aware that you will need to update the firmware of your GoodFET device before using it because the Z-Wave chip requires specific timing and bit banging.

More details on that work are available on my employer’s blog as, this time, this was not a spare time project :)

Firmware extraction and reconstruction

Firmware extraction and reconstruction

Recently I had to extract a firmware from an I2C EEPROM.

Although I am pretty used to SPI EEPROM on embedded equipments, seeing an I2C bus seemed pretty unusual to me.

As you may have noticed from my previous posts, I make heavily use of my GoodFET. It is a very handy tool and although I also have a BusPirate v4, I prefer Travis’s tool. Unfortunately, I2C protocol is not compiled by default on the firmware, the tools are marked as “untested” on the website and the pinout is not documented on the website. That’s a lot of things to find out :-)